Independent carbon project services for the agricultural sector
We meet you wherever you are along your carbon project journey and start by exploring if our service model is your best fit. The agricultural sector has trusted in our independent carbon project support, technical soil and landscape experience and razor sharp methodology acumen. Through the course of providing you services, we actively fill knowledge gaps using a roadmap that untangles information overload and shows a clear, stepped pathway.
With decades in the agricultural sector and over 10 years of carbon industry experience, we provide personalised, farmer-centric carbon project services. We understand the commitment required for a carbon project and tailor your journey to eliminate uncertainties, helping you assess risks and uncover value using our in house compliance, project management, soil science and technical expertise.
We work efficiently at a pace that suits you, whether it’s a single project on your property or multiple projects across your portfolio.
Our flexible fee-for-service model ensures you only pay for the expert service you receive.
You retain 100% of your carbon credits.
You are in control of your project and your data throughout your project journey supported by us.
You will be the proponent of your own project.
We take you through a sequential and flexible diligence process and explore project eligibility and viability before we go to project registration.
Is a carbon project a good fit for you? Just starting your journey? Find out with a Feasibility assessment.
Engaging our independent carbon project services
If you think that Bootstrap Environmental Services is a good fit for you and your project/s, and want to proceed commissioning our services, you can pick from any of the following components as a stand alone service or package them up.
We recommend an Eligibility Assessment of your proposed project as the first sequential due diligence step. This step captures (and is an investment into) the hard compliance boundaries that set you up for the subsequent Viability and success at Registration stage. Here, we put a foundational boundary around your project.
There are many inherent benefits to building soil carbon that contribute to things like nutrient status, landscape and soil function and storing more water every time it rains. Having a carbon project is another way to benefit from balanced sequestration and we want that balance to work for the viability of the project. When someone asks you "how much rain did you get?" - we want you to be able to say "all of it" - the same goes for a soil carbon project where we support you to assess the value for your operation. Project viability means it is a good fit for your agricultural system as a whole, it is not just about generating carbon credits it is about your farming system and the humans managing it.
Project registration
Having stepped through the Eligibility and Viability stages we support you to take your project over the Registration line. You can choose to jump straight to this step and commit to our All Inclusive Registration package which encompasses all pre-registration assessments and project registration administration.
End to end - entire project life cycle services
We think that that you might want the option of stepping through it as a progressive investment into you project, but we can package this up for you too. No problem. We are in service to you for the entire decadal life of your project.
Stepping through stages (Feasibility, Eligibility, Viability, Registration) is best if:
This is your first project
Tempering your investment into a project as you become increasingly confident about your individual project eligibility and potential
You want to receive relevant information in the logical order best serving your project due diligence, extending your own project knowledge along the way.
Moving straight through to Project Registration suits our ag sector clients with:
Multiple projects or portfolios
Those most confident to proceed, more advanced in their carbon project journey.
We travel with you providing end to end project services and tools for the entire project life cycle of monitoring, reporting (including offset and portfolio reports), verification (audit) and credit issuance.
You choose what services we provide and whether or not you stay the entire project journey with us.

We want you to have a project that thrives, not just a project that succeeds. We also want your farming business story to be one others are drawn to.
Eligibility, we assess the:
Proposed land area
Legal right to run the project as the proponent
Ability to demonstrate additionality components
Scope new proposed land management activities.
After completion of this step you will understand exactly what can be included when you Register your project and reduce time at project Registration stage .
Want to bypass Eligibility and go straight through to Viability? We recommend this order but no problem, we circle back at project Registration stage.
Want to proceed straight to our All Inclusive Registration package instead? No problem, we undertake Eligibility Assessment then.
We support farmers and agribusiness clients to undertake the essentials utilising our rural, technical, compliance, and land management acumen - but we also offer in depth viability add ons that go on to serve you during project implementation. This step is as vital as the Eligibility stage to set you up for a project that is geared toward reaching its greatest potential success.
Viability stage includes (but is far from limited to):
Potential to sequester soil carbon, manage emissions and generate net abatement
Understand all of the risks and assess ability to mitigate these ahead of project registration, throughout the project life and crediting cycles
Undertake due diligence and shed light on the blind spots.
As with the Eligibility Assessment, the Viability Assessment is a sequential investment in due diligence and project Registration. After completion of this stage you would have completed 90-95% of components required to register your project with the Clean Energy Regulator. Of course, we actively support you with that too.
We offer flexible service options pre-registration and across the life of your project with sensible stepped approaches navigating your journey.
We work with you to address all criteria for a successful project registration.
Project Registration
Investment made in Eligibility and Viability stages contribute to this final Project Registration step. If you choose to jump straight to here, we do not bypass a single thing, you simply make the commitment straight up to walk with us the entire project Registration journey.
How long it takes us to get to this step depends on a few things that will be unique to your project. For this reason, we gather some details from you so we can create your package.
Our personalised and equitable service focuses on you and your farming operation and its individuality.
End to end project services
We have been an independent service provider to agriculture since 2011 and carbon projects since 2015. We are known for providing independent support to many farmers deciding or undertaking their carbon project diligence and we have actively been in supporting soil carbon projects under the ACCU Scheme (ex ERF) since methodologies first came into effect. Prior to that we supported soil carbon research and on ground monitoring of soil carbon and soil health. We travel with our valued clients, providing end to end project services and tools for the entire project life cycle of registering, monitoring, reporting (including offset and portfolio reports), verification (audit) and credit issuance.
You're supported by an entirely independent ecosystem that is with you for the life of your project.

What defines us
Our clients, values and industry reputation define us. Our clients span the agricultural sector and the carbon industry.
Bootstrap Environmental Services was founded in 2011 and has established itself as a leader - we carry our reputation of long and enduring carbon industry acumen, transparency, integrity and farmer-centric approach with immense pride.
We have been a trusted independent source of truth supporting farmers to conduct due diligence about having a carbon project since 2015.
Our offer to provide farmers with carbon project services with 100% carbon credit share to the farmer as our ultimate expression of our desire to advocate for and provide farmers with a quality, fair-share service. We have made significant investment and commitment to support farmers to invest in their project success.
The value we provide to you, impact you create and what we each bring to the table is what drives us to create something better than before we worked together.
Our reputation hangs on our ag sector support since 2011, the value we provide and how our clients reflect on their experience with us.
A changing agricultural landscape
Agriculture is at a pivotal moment, embracing climate-positive, nature-based opportunities. The landscape is changing rapidly, and farmers can now take an active role. Trusted, independent advisors are essential in guiding farmers and agribusinesses to make timely, valuable decisions for their enterprises.
We have gathered extensive industry experience and technical expertise over the past decade and we provide independent, aligned advice and practical tools to support on-the-ground projects. Together with our clients, we are shaping the agricultural leaders of tomorrow.
Adrianna Marchand
Founder and principal