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amplifying your presence on earth

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Identity - Transparency - Presence - Trust - Community - Reputation - Purpose

Being the owner of an effective industry keyword - carbon farming - domain can propel your industry presence, your purpose, reputation, online identity, getting found and noticed on the internet.



Owning keyword domain names has many benefits. You don't have to use the domain directly, you can point it back to your existing website (or have your website pointed to your new domain (or domains!) with equal benefit.  You can always start from scratch and have a new website created to go with your domain.

The first benefit of keyword domain names is building recognition about what it is you do.

Results have show clients associate industry keyword domains with market leadership.

For example, if a consumer is looking for ‘carbon farming’ and the website shows up on Google, they assume they are the market leader for that service. It shows instant credibility.

A second benefit of keyword domain names is increasing your click through rates. Users are more likely to click on your website if they see the keyword domain in the URL when compared to other domains that show up in search results.  ​Even if you are paying for Google Adwords, statistics show more people will click on your website if they see a keyword domain in the URL, like 

​Thirdly, these domains are yours to build on, shape and create, they convey so well what industry you are in.

A fourth benefit of keyword domain names is it increases your organic search traffic. One of the many aspects in the algorithms of a main search engine like Google is the domain name itself, there are other aspects that contribute to rankings but a keyword domain will get you noticed - and it is memorable. 

Many businesses make the big mistake early on of buying ONLY their business name as their domain name. For example, a service firm will only buy their domain name, this is especially true of small businesses. First of all, they SHOULD own the domain name that matches their business name. The problem is many businesses stop there. If someone knows about their business name they will type that particular name in Google, but what about all the potential customers who don’t know about their business? They will never find them! You need additional domains to cover all the bases.

Even if your business name is Global Carbon, users are likely to type in "" if they are after carbon farming services in Australia.  We all do it! 


So, how do we answer that question? Let’s put it this way… how much is a lead in your business worth? Let’s say you are a service provider. One new client or project might bring you $6,000. They may become a repeat client. They may refer your carbon farming services to other people. That one lead could be worth many additional clients. So would you pay $2,000 or more to own the premium domain that brought that pre-qualified, targeted customer to your company? We all know the answer to that.

What is the investment worth when clients gravitate to you over competitors because you are projecting your business with an industry domain?

Smart investors are very quick to buy up all the category defining domain names.

"Carbon" is a high value keyword that has an average sale price of just under $3,000, "carbonfarming" is easy to remember fetching over $7,000 for and is worth in excess of $18,000 on the open market.

Companies don’t have problems investing thousands of dollars into market presence, conference sponsorship, professional associations, specialised media communications, marketing and PR, and there is one problem with all of that.  It all leads back to your website. People can utilise the internet in very sophisticated ways, and this is why the internet will always be the king of marketing.  Using the internet to support your companies presence, wherever you are doing business, is smart.

Smart businesses have long focused their marketing budget on investing in generic keyword domain names.

Generic keyword domains have many benefits and can be a much more cost effective way of achieving pre-qualified leads for your business than the traditional practices. You can prevent your competitors from gaining leverage over you by buying the domains for yourself.


Domain names are important, they say a lot about your presence in the marketplace, your company and the business you conduct.

Most businesses have domain names reflecting their business name, but successful businesses with a focus on media marketing invest in industry domains.  Industry domains give you advantage in the marketplace, they propel your brand.

Industry domains raise the value of your business, just ask any investor, they'll want to know what domains you own to protect your business and IP and your marketing assets.  Early adopters of industry domains understand their worth as an investment to secure their brand. 

In an increasingly digital world and fast evolving knowledge economy, we need to adjust our thinking and priorities regarding where we invest our time and money.

If you are looking for clients, your online presence needs to be strand out. 

As a bricks and mortar company, having an online presence to market should not be ignored.

Industry domains impact the amount of traffic you get to your website, they tell potential clients what you actually do, they establish identity, credibility, reputation and show purpose.

Be seen by your domain name and show your identity, credibility, reputation and purpose.

Premium carbon farming domains are available for immediate purchase below or get in touch with Kiss The Ground to find out about discounts up to 80% on purchase of multiple domains.


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